Kromme joint river committee
The Kromme Joint River Committee, which represents the Home Owners Associations and Share Blocks along the Kromme River, was restructured in 2016 to manage and maintain the river boating activities, including law enforcement and the utilisation of income derived from the sale of boating permits for and on behalf of the Kouga Municipality by the signing of a MOA (memorandum of agreement) and the registration of the KJRC as a NPC (non profit company).
Also represented on the KJRC are the Kromme Enviro-Trust (KET) and DEDEAT (Department of Economic Development, Environmental Affairs and Tourism), DWS (Depart of Water and Sanitation), DAFF (Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries) who lend their expertise to ensuring that the river environment is protected. KET Chairman, Warren Manser has been appointed as a Peace Officer with the authority to caution and fine anglers and bait collectors that do not adhere to regulations.

Boat Licences – Where does the Money go?
- Law enforcement and river safety are of paramount importance. The KJRC has permanently employed a law enforcement officer to patrol the river at present since 2017. Since patrol officer Nickolaas Windvogel’s commenced his duties, his presence has contributed to the increased awareness amongst river users of the importance of adhering to the by-laws and the need for river safety practices. To assist in policing the waterways over peak periods a second patrol officer, John Scott, has also been appointed.
- The patrol officer’s activities are managed by the KJRC committee and in particular by Naas Marais of the Kromme River Angling Club who has dedicated hours of his time voluntarily to seeing to it that the two vessels provided by the KJRC for use by the patrol officers are properly maintained and equipped for the purpose.
- The KJRC sees to it that boating permits are issued with the river by-laws printed on the reverse side and that a map of the river, showing and explaining the positions of buoys is provided with each boating permit. This map and the by-laws are published in the local media before each holiday season and effective methods of communicating this important information is continually under review by the committee.
- The KJRC committee purchases the river marker buoys and signage and oversees the positioning and maintenance of these to ensure that river users can safely navigate the areas of the river where channels are unstable and regularly change. However, it must be clearly understood that these are only a guide and the responsibility of safe passage rests with the skipper of the craft.
- Water testing at various points along the river has been commenced during the past year and so far the river water boasts a clean bill of health. Testing will be conducted before and after each peak season to ensure the water quality is carefully monitored and any change timeously dealt with.
- The entities represented on the KJRC will be contributing financially towards the cost to dredge the river to provide a safer boating environment for river users once an EIA for this work has been approved.